Pork Belly

Pork Belly is one of my favourite cuts of any meat. Its delicious, rich and tasty.

There are many different ways to cook it, but this is generally how I do it if I've got a couple of hours to spare. It gets the crackling nice and crunchy, and the meat has all the varied textures that pork belly can have. Perfect.



Heat the oven up 220deg celcius.

Salt the pork belly well. That means that the meat should be totally and utterly covered in salt.

Put the belly in the oven for 30 minutes, skin side up. After 30 minutes squeeze a lime over the pork belly, and re-salt the skin. Turn down the oven to 160deg celcius.

Leave it like that for about an hour.

Turn up the oven to 220deg Celcius for the final 15 minutes.